XYPlorer is a versatile file manager and explorer designed as an alternative to the standard one included with Windows. The program is packed with plenty of functions that automate and simplify many common tasks you usually perform with your files and folders. Those functions include quick and advanced file searching, file filtering, path tracing and scripting, among more traditional ones.
Considering the quantity of features this program offers, its user interface is rather modest and simple. It includes a functional toolbar that offers you instant access to the most common tasks like copying, cutting, pasting and deleting files and folders, creating new folders, showing/hiding their total size, configuring your file filters and enabling/disabling them, and enabling/disabling the file search panel, just to mention some. The program's main section, on the other hand, supports tabbed navigation which allows you to browse multiple locations at the same time. Of course, this is a really helpful feature when it comes to copying or moving files from one folder to another. Anyway, if for whatever reason this is not enough for you, you can also enable the dual-panel navigation which allows you to display two locations simultaneously in the same window, making the mentioned tasks even easier.
Besides those features, XYPlorer also includes the so-called Info panel, which can be easily toggled on or off, and displays very detailed information about any file or folder you select including its attributes, version, metadata, tags, a raw view and a preview when the file type supports it (e.g. image files). As a part of this panel is also "Find Files", a sub-panel that provides the advanced-search functionality you can use to locate files based on their names and location, size, dates, attributes and even their contents. You can even use this feature to locate duplicate files based on multiple attributes, including their contents too. Finally, XYPlorer is also capable of remembering your lately visited locations and provides both a fixed and a floating panels for previewing your image files, among other helpful features.
All in all, XYPlorer is an advanced tool that easily surpasses Windows Explorer in many aspects, however, learning and getting used to all its functions is a task that may take its time. Anyway, given that you can test the program for an entire month free of cost, I would highly recommend any interested person downloading and trying it, as surely he/she won't get disappointed.
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